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Jaguar Drivers Club of SA

Jaguar XJC and Daimler Coupe - 50th Anniversary - April 1-3, 2025

Tue, 1 Apr 2025
01-04-2025 12:00 PM
03-04-2025 11:00 PM


(Registrations Close on 21st March 2025)

Before you REGISTER for this event please read all event details below.


In 2021 as we celebrated the 45th Anniversary of the Jaguar XJC and Daimler Sovereign Coupe in Mildura, we determined that we would get together again in April 2025. Paul Tomlinson volunteered as a Bathurst resident to coordinate this event in Bathurst.

It was to our surprise that the JDCA decided that the venue for the 2025 Jaguar National Rally would also be in Bathurst, 4—7 April 2025 and that the celebratory models would be the Jaguar XJC and Jaguar XJS both celebrating their 50th year anniversary.

The Australian Jaguar XJC and Daimler Sovereign Coupe community has the opportunity to come together in the three days preceding the Jaguar National Rally to celebrate our passion for these very special cars. We are anticipating cars from all across Australia including Tasmania and Western Australia.

The event is planned as a casual event with the simple aim of enjoying our cars and each other’s company. We are encouraging members to register for the following Jaguar National Rally April 4-7, 2024, where the Jaguar XJC and the Jaguar XJS will both celebrate their 50th Anniversary in style. We are looking forward to a huge line-up of Coupes (Possibly the largest ever world-wide) at the Jaguar National Rally Display Day on Saturday, 5th April.

Please Note: You will need to go to the the Jaguar National Rally Registration site and pay a $15 entry fee for the Display Day on Saturday April 5, 2025. (If you are just registering for the Display Day, you will not be required to pay the JNR Registration Fee). We hope this does not deter anyone from attending the JNR Display Day and ensuring a world class display of Jaguar XJC and Daimler Coupes on the day.


Please read the program details below before using the GET TICKET button to register. It is important that you register for all events (FREE / PAYG) you intend participating in for catering and planning purposes.

In the "MV Make & Model" Registration Option . . . . Please indicate the Model of car you will be driving. We do want to know how many Coupes will be attending.

REGISTRATION FEE: At Registration you will be required to pay a Registration Fee of $20 per Registration. This will cover Booking costs, Administrative, Printing and other up-front expenses. We anticipate this will be partially refunded in free drinks on our final night.


We are now nominating The Panorama Motel, as our EVENT HQ

Our suggestions for accommodation is BOOK EARLY for the best deals . . . and book by phone, to get the group discount. Quote, "Jaguar XJC Group" at one of the following.

1. The Panorama Motel, (Event HQ) 51 Dorham Street Bathurst. Ph. 02 6331 2666  

There are a selection of approximately 60 rooms available with Rooms from around $130 / night. This may change.

2. Country Lodge Motel, 145 William Street Bathurst. Ph 02 6331 4888

There are a selection of approximately 30 rooms available from around $120 / night. This may change.


You will be provided with a printed Program Brochure prior to the event covering the program in greater detail.

Day 1, Tuesday 1st April

You arrive in Bathurst and make your way to your chosen accommodation 

6.00pm.   Our group dinner is at The Panthers Club, (PAYG) Meet up for drinks earlier from 5.00pm. if you wish.

Day 2, Wednesday 2nd April

9.00am    We will meet up at the Panorama Motel and then enjoy a few laps of the Mount Panorama Circuit (Speed restricted) including a few photo opportunities along the way.

10.00am   Time for a visit to the Motor Racing Museum at Mount Panorama. (PAYG)

11.30am    It is then off to Perthville and Lunch at Chatsworth Gardens. (PAYG)

6.00pm    Dinner at the Bathurst Trotting Club. (PAYG) Meet up from 5.00pm for drinks if you wish.

Day 3, Thursday 3rd April

9.00am     We will meet up at the Panorama Motel for a day trip to Hill End Historic Town.

12.00pm   Lunch at the Royal Hotel, General Store (PAYG) . . . . . or BYO picnic.  Followed by a Self-tour of Hill End                 and surrounds. Returning to Bathurst via Sofala (old gold mining town).

6.00pm    Final Dinner at the Panorama Motel (PAYG) Meet up from 5.00pm for drinks if you wish.    

Day 4, Friday 4th April

There will be an optional, informal day trip for those staying over for the National Rally

50th Anniversary Cap

Please see the images below of the XJC 50th Anniversary Cap available strictly by order and paid for at the time of registration. ($20.00) To be supplied at the event.



We encourage all members to consider registration for the Jaguar National Rally. 

JNR Registration here:  https://www.jaguar.org.au/national-rally 

If you only intend attending the JNR Display day . . . . . . You must Register via the JNR Registration site and pay $15 enrty Fee. You will not be required to pay the JNR full Registration Fee. 

Friday 4th April   -  Jaguar National Rally begins with Registration and Welcome Dinner. 

Saturday 5th April  -  Jaguar National Rally Display Day (Entry Fee $15) We encourage all members to stay for this event. We could well create a World Record for the largest display of Jaguar XJC and Daimler Coupes ever.


For more detail on the program contact: 

     Paul Tomlinson   Mob:   0401 192 891       Email:  tommo444@bigpond.com

For any issues with your Registration process on this site or Jaguar National Rally details contact: 

     Phil Prior    Mob:   0402670654       Email:  philipprior@bigpond.com

50th Anniversary Cap

Please see the images below of the XJC 50th Anniversary Cap available strictly by order and paid for at the time of registration. ($20.00) To be supplied at the event.

Ticket Type Price
REGISTRATION - Per registration . . . . . .(not per person) $20.00
Wednesday 2nd April - Lunch at Chatsworth Gardens (PAYG) $0.00
Tuesday 1st April - Dinner at The Panthers Club (PAYG) $0.00
Wednesday 2nd April - Dinner at the Bathurst Trotting Club Restaurant.(PAYG) $0.00
Thursday 3rd April - Run to Hill End historic Town $0.00
Thursday 3rd April - Final Dinner at the Panorama Motel (PAYG) $0.00
Saturday, 5th April I will Register for the Jaguar National Display Day $0.00
50th Anniversary cap (Orders are now closed for Caps) $20.00 Sale Ended
Total: $
Panorama Motel Bathurst
51 Durham St, Bathurst NSW 2795, Australia

South Australia, Australia

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