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Jaguar Drivers Club of SA

JDCSA 50th Celebration Book

Thu, 1 May 2025
01-05-2025 04:00 PM
31-12-2027 06:00 PM
Hello Fellow Jaguar Enthusiasts,
As you may know its our club's 50th birthday this year as we commenced on the 25th July 1973. To celebrate this we have been compiling a 50 year Celebration Book over the past 18 months and it's now being printed.
The book is a Coffee Table style book, A4 in size with landscape orientation. It is full colour.  Approximately 110 pages with around 120+ photos. 
To purchase this special book please register below by clicking on the EVENT DETAILS at the bottom of this email.
*   For local members please register your name only. Cost is A$45. Books will be available for pick up at a General Meeting.
*   For interstate members please record your name, address, email address and mobile number. Cost is A$60 ($45 + P&P in Australia).
*   For any international members please contact me via email for the P&P at your location. The cost will be A$45 + P&P.
*  You can choose how many books you would like when you order and we can accept Visa or Mastercard.
Thank you for your support. Should you require any further information please call me.
Tim White
50th Celebration Book Editor
Ticket Type Price
NON MEMBER 50th Celebration Book This price includes the packing and posting of the book to any location in Australia. $62.00
JDCSA MEMBER 50th Celebration Book $45.00
IGNORE $0.00 Sale Ended
Non Paying Associations Organisations $0.00 Unavailable
Postage $19.35
Total: $

South Australia, Australia

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